Instagram highlights one of its features, allowing users to preserve and promote their greatest posts for a longer time. Many users are curious about who has viewed their highlights and if it’s possible to see this information.  We will discuss the official statement from Instagram regarding the visibility of highlight views, the potential risks of using third-party apps that claim to show this information, and alternatives for checking engagement metrics and interacting with your followers.  So, if you’re a casual user or a brand managing your Instagram presence, this theme will provide valuable insights on viewing highlights.

Can you see who viewed your Instagram Highlights?

 Instagram, the platform itself, has stated that users can’t see who specifically viewed their highlights.  Many third-party apps have emerged claiming to offer this information, raising concerns about their validity and potential risks. Examine the official statement from Instagram about the visibility of highlight views. The platform uses algorithms to track and count views, but this information is unavailable to users.  Privacy settings can play a role in determining who can see a user’s highlights. We will discuss the third-party apps that claim to show who viewed your Instagram highlights.  These apps use various techniques, such as accessing a user’s account information, to provide a list of users who viewed their highlights. The accuracy and reliability of these apps are questionable, and using them could put a user’s account and personal information at risk. Instagram has also warned against using third-party apps for this purpose. Explore alternatives for seeing who viewed your Instagram highlights. One option is to check engagement metrics through Instagram insights, which provide data on a user’s posts, followers, and audience. Another alternative is to interact directly with your followers through comments and direct messages, which can help build relationships and increase engagement.

Third-party apps claiming to show who viewed your highlights

The rise of these apps has sparked a debate about their validity and potential risks for users. They use various techniques, such as accessing a user’s account information, to provide a list of users who viewed their highlights.  However, the accuracy and reliability of these apps could be better, which has raised concerns about the information they provide. The use of third-party apps can put a user’s account and personal information at risk, as they often require access tо sensitive information such as login credentials. Instagram has warned against using third-party apps for this purpose, as they violate the platform’s terms of service. Instagram also cautions users about the potential risks of using these apps and encourages them to prioritize the security and privacy of their accounts.  Users are advised to use alternatives, such аs checking engagement metrics through Instagram Insights or interacting with followers directly, to track their engagement and connect with their audience.

Alternatives to seeing who viewed your Instagram Highlights

While it may be tempting to use these apps, they come with significant risks and are not supported by Instagram. We will outline two alternatives for tracking engagement on Instagram. I. Checking Engagement Metrics through Instagram Insights  A. Access Instagram Insights from your profile  B. Select the post оr highlight you want to track  C. Review the engagement metrics provided, including views, reach, and engagement  D. Use this information to understand the performance of your content and reach on the platform II. Interacting with Followers through Comments and Direct Messages  A. Respond to comments оn your posts and highlights  B. Reach out to followers through direct messages  C. Encourage followers to engage with your content and ask for feedback  D. Use this interaction to build relationships and increase engagement with your audience Even though it might not be feasible to know who saw your Instagram highlights, these alternatives can give you useful information about your engagement and reach on the platform. You may learn more about the effectiveness of your content and cultivate relationships with your audience bу checking engagement data using Instagram Insights and corresponding with followers directly.


According to Instagram’s official statement, it is impossible to see who viewed your Instagram highlights. Using third-party apps claiming tо provide this information is not supported and can put a user’s account and personal information at risk.  Alternatives for tracking engagement include checking engagement metrics through Instagram insights and interacting with followers directly through comments and messages. These options provide valuable insights and are safer and more accurate.

Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 83Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 80Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 3Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 6Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 63Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 96Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 99Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 13Can You See Who Viewed Your Instagram Highlights - 11